金秋时节悄然将至,新一学年即将开始。KEY的莘莘学子,手握心仪学校的录取通知书,怀揣着梦想,背起行囊,前往世界各地的高等学府,开启他们人生崭新的旅程。首先,让我们一睹 KEY的学生在过去一年中的傲人战绩:
过去一年来,疫情风波不断,却止不住学生们对名校的向往。调查显示,北美地区名校申请数量激增,常春藤学校的申请者更是面临了前所未有的激烈竞争。以哈佛大学为例,该校2025届早期申请共计收到10, 089份申请,录取747人,同比增长57%。早期录取率为7.4%,而常规申请的录取率则惊人的创下历史新低,只有3.4%
今年,KEY还收到了The Harvard Crimson - 哈佛大学官方校报的特别邀请,点评哈佛大学2021 TOP 10 录取文书中来自华裔申请人的一篇。
Successful Harvard Essay - Nicolas
When I failed math in my sophomore year of high school, a bitter dispute engulfed my household -- “Nicolas Yan vs. Mathematics.” I was the plaintiff, appearing pro se, while my father represented the defendant (inanimate as it was). My brother and sister constituted a rather understaffed jury, and my mother presided over the case as judge.
In a frightening departure from racial stereotype, I charged Mathematics with the capital offenses of being “too difficult” and “irrelevant to my aspirations," citing my recent shortcomings in the subject as evidence. My father entered a not guilty plea on the defendant's behalf, for he had always harbored hopes that I would follow in his entrepreneurial footsteps -- and whoever heard of a businessman who wasn't an accomplished mathematician? He argued that because I had fallen sick before my examination and had been unable to sit one of the papers, it would be a travesty of justice to blame my "Ungraded” mark on his client. The judge nodded sagely.
With heartrending pathos, I recalled how I had studied A-Level Mathematics with calculus a year before the rest of my cohort, bravely grappling with such perverse concepts as the poisson distribution to no avail. I decried the subject's lack of real-life utility and lamented my inability to reconcile further effort with any plausible success; so that to persist with Mathematics would be a Sisyphean endeavor. Since I had no interest in becoming the entrepreneur that my father envisioned, I petitioned the court for academic refuge in the humanities. The members of the jury exchanged sympathetic glances and put their heads together to deliberate.
In hushed tones, they weighed the particulars of the case. Then, my sister announced their unanimous decision with magisterial gravity: "Nicolas shouldn't have to do math if he doesn't want to!" I was ecstatic; my father distraught. With a bang of her metaphorical gavel, the judge sentenced the defendant to "Death by Omission"-- and so I chose my subjects for 11th Grade sans Mathematics. To my father's disappointment, a future in business for me now seemed implausible.
Over the next year, however, new evidence that threw the court's initial verdict into question surfaced. Languishing on death row, Mathematics exercised its right to appeal, and so our quasi-court reconvened in the living room.
My father reiterated his client's innocence, maintaining that Mathematics was neither "irrelevant" nor "too difficult." He proudly recounted how just two months earlier, when my friends had convinced me to join them in creating a business case competition for high school students (clerical note: the loftily-titled New Zealand Secondary Schools Case Competition), I stood in front of the Board of a company and successfully pitched them to sponsor us-- was this not evidence that l could succeed in business? I think I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he implored me to give Mathematics another chance.
I considered the truth of his words. While writing a real-world business case for NZSSCC, l had been struck by how mathematical processes actually made sense when deployed in a practical context, and how numbers could tell a story just as vividly as words can. By reviewing business models and comparing financial projections to actual returns, one can read a company's story and identify areas of potential growth; whether the company then took advantage of these opportunities determined its success. It wasn't that my role in organizing NZSSCC had magically taught me to embrace all things mathematical or commercial -- I was still the same person -- but I recognized that no intellectual constraints prevented me from succeeding in Mathematics; I needed only the courage to seize an opportunity for personal growth.
I stood up and addressed my family: “I’ll do it.” Then, without waiting for the court’s final verdict, I crossed the room to embrace my father: and the rest, as they (seldom) say, was Mathematics.
最初,他仿佛与父亲站在对立面。父亲期望他将来从事商业方面的活动,认为出色的数学能力十分必要。在整个过程中,父亲不断鼓舞Nicolas,利用他在“新西兰中学生创业竞赛” (The New Zealand Secondary School's Case Competition) 中的出色表现,证明他学习数学的能力和数学的实际用途。渐渐地,Nicolas意识到,数学本身并没有那么难以攻克,他缺乏的只是抓住机会去提升自我的勇气。
如果您还不知道应该如何开始,不如先与KEY做一次免费的申请咨询吧,由我们专业的顾问团队来针对您家庭的情况,给与下一步的准备的明确指引, 快联系我们报名吧。
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● 【私校 | 申请流程】申请季即将开放,这些误区一定要提早避开
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● 【注意】不用等到私校申请材料公布,KEY提前揭晓材料清单!助你赢在起跑点
● 【干货】斩获Offer,不用十八般武艺,只要具备这一点!
● 【注意】抓住夏季的“黄金”申请准备时机,这些工作您完成了吗?
● 【私校|申请政策】Test OPTIONAL!?机会是留给准备好的人
● 【回顾】2020-2021私校申请政策改变与今年申请趋势
● 【深思】"申请"私校并不难,只是多数人都忽略了.....
● 【私校】斩获Offer,不用十八般武艺,只要具备这一点!