为了培养学生卓越的学术能力,让每位学生得到最大程度的发展,许多私校采用了不同种类的教学体系,其中最常被拿来比较的就是AP与IB了。在KEY每年收到的择校咨询中,也常常有家长询问应该选择AP还是IB School。首先,如果您还不太清楚IB与AP课程的差別,那么建议您一定要收看这篇文章:
您需要思考的并不是AP与IB的区别。因为,AP是从10年级开始才提供的选修课程。在BC省,所有学校都是依照BC省教育大纲进行教学。然而,私校为了进一步加强中小学生的学术能力,采用了各自独特的教学法。有的私校采用了IB教学体系(IB PYP & MYP),而有的则采用最契合学校理念的强化教学法(Rigorous Curriculum)。
• Globally Inspired
• Academically Innovation
• Character Driven
• Community Spirited
• Internationally balanced
K-G12: 11月1日
• Courage
To be a pioneer and leader, one must have courage. This is the foundation on which we build integrity, confidence, resilience, and respect for self and others. Our graduates will use their courage as they rise to meet challenges throughout their lives and seek to make a better future for the world.
• Curiosity
Curiosity drives passion for continual learning and exploring. This passion, in turn, drives innovation and collaboration. To inspire curiosity, we push beyond the core curriculum to ensure our students are engaged in an education that is uncommon and unbounded.
• Community
At our essence, Collingwood is a community of students, families, alumni, faculty and staff. The diversity and inclusivity of our family is a strength. Together, we must focus on listening, patience, humility and teamwork. We also belong to larger civic, national and global communities. We express our belief in community mindedness through our commitment to leadership, respect for one another and service to others.
JK-G12: 12月1日
Southridge develops well-rounded students with a deep sense of personal integrity who have the moral character, love of learning, and self-confidence to realize their full potential. Each student is encouraged and challenged to be someone who makes a difference in the world
K: 11月1日
G1 - G12: 12月1日
• Kindness
We act with compassion and grace. We are empathetic. We help others.
• Integrity
We are honest. We have the courage to make the right choices. We take responsibility for our actions and their outcomes.
• Perseverance
We have the courage to overcome challenges. We stand committed in the pursuit of our goals.
• Respect
We honor the thoughts, experiences and perspectives of others. We treat others the way we expect to be treated.
• Responsibility
We are reliable and keep our word, seeing our commitments to completion. We seek to make a difference locally and globally.
K-G12: 尚未公布 (2020年截至日期为11月27日)
眼下申请季已经开跑,如果您对私校申请有任何疑惑,欢迎您与我们预约一次免费的私校申请咨询,由我们专业的顾问团队来针对您家庭的情况,给与下一步的准备的明确指引, 快联系我们报名吧
● 【重磅|申请季开放】年度私校申请截止日汇总,最新申请趋势出炉
● 【私校 | 申请流程】申请季即将开放,这些误区一定要提早避开
● 【私校|案例分析】非招生年也能拿Offer? 看看这些家庭是怎么做的
● 【注意】不用等到私校申请材料公布,KEY提前揭晓材料清单!助你赢在起跑点
● 【干货】斩获Offer,不用十八般武艺,只要具备这一点!
● 【注意】抓住夏季的“黄金”申请准备时机,这些工作您完成了吗?
● 【私校|申请政策】Test OPTIONAL!?机会是留给准备好的人
● 【回顾】2020-2021私校申请政策改变与今年申请趋势
● 【深思】"申请"私校并不难,只是多数人都忽略了.....
● 【私校】斩获Offer,不用十八般武艺,只要具备这一点!