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Unlock Your Soft Skills - Advanced

This course will develop competencies such as communication, conflict resolution, leadership, and the critical thinking skills necessary to be successful students not only in their classes but also in the private school admission process. Engaging activities such as strategy games, team building projects and analytical exercises will challenge learners to push themselves beyond expectations of the classroom. Upon successful completion of UYSS, students will have developed confidence and self-reliance to showcase their soft skills and unique qualities.

*This course should be taken along with KEY SSAT preparation courses

Unlock Your Soft Skills - Foundation

In this course students will learn and understand soft skills such as communication, collaboration and problem solving. Specific focus will be given to creating a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to taking risks within learning and in developing resilience and an awareness of how one’s own behaviours influence learning. Using a variety of engaging activities such as group work, team building, and structured games that encourage respectful communication and peer-peer cooperation, students will become more capable and confident in their creative thinking and interpersonal skills.

Subject Tutoring

KEY’s Junior Scholar Program is comprised of the most sought after courses to best prepare you for private school admissions. In addition, we offer a wide range of classes to meet your scholar’s individual needs. Our educators teach English, calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, and French. Book an initial assessment to see how we can help your child reach their potential!

Writing - (Foundation / Advanced)

These courses will teach students to hone their writing skills and use different writing styles, at either a foundation or an advanced level. Students will be able to communicate their ideas and experiences effectively and with clarity. In addition, students will learn to use a wide range of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and writing strategies. Upon the completion of the course, the students will be more confident and successful in academic writing settings.

Advanced Reading

This course will help students who are at their grade level in English reading comprehension to acquire a deep and accurate understanding of the reading process and construct meaning from a range of literary and informational resources. Building on a variety of reading strategies, students will develop effective skills to critically analyze, interpret, paraphrase, and summarize texts from different genres in order to achieve higher than grade level proficiency and succeed in their academic goals such as private school admissions and taking the SSAT test

Vocabulary Enrichment

An extensive vocabulary promotes reading comprehension, better communication, and even improves a student’s ability to think creatively and flexibly; all skills which help students excel in the classroom and in life. KEY Education’s Vocabulary Enrichment program helps your scholar to build an understanding of vocabulary so they can use it effectively and continue to build their word bank even after completion of the course. Students who score below 40 percent on the SSAT Verbal Reasoning should take this course prior to enrolling in KEY’s SSAT English Program.

*Consider pairing this program with KEY Education’s Math Concepts and UYSS courses to fully develop your student’s literacy and numeracy to succeed in all academic areas.

Math Concepts

Fifteen of the highest paid college degrees have math in common so building a deeper understanding of math concepts and how to apply them will help your scholar excel in all areas of their lives. This program covers many mathematical concepts such as number sense, mental math, representation, symmetry, sequences and series, graphing, relationships, rates of change, and more. Students who score below 40 percent on the SSAT Quantitative sections should take this course prior to enrolling in KEY’s SSAT Math Program.

*Consider pairing this program with KEY Education’s Vocabulary Enrichment and Creative Writing courses to fully develop your student’s literacy to succeed in all academic areas.

Immersive English - Intermediate

This course teaches students to apply their language knowledge and education with increasing fluency and accuracy. Instruction is paired with activities to develop students’ skills in grammar, vocabulary, paragraph structure and essay writing. Students will develop the reading, writing and oral presentation skills required for success in school and other important applications.

Immersive English - Beginner

This course will give the students the skills and confidence they need in order to communicate effectively in English. Instruction is paired with activities to develop students’ knowledge of grammar, as well as practice their reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. The skills they learn in this course will give them the foundation they need to succeed at school and in other areas of their lives.